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Tania Garza: Cultural Connector and Positive Change Maker

Tania Garza joined the Tulsa Remote team in October 2021 as a part of the Member Integration Team. She describes her role as a Member Integration Specialist as a "cultural connector" who connects people to the community through acquiring an understanding of individuals' passions and objectives. 

“To quote Brene Brown, ‘Connection is why we’re here; it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.’ Having a community where we can show up as ourselves is priceless, and that desired interconnectedness is what inspires my work,” Tania says. 

Tania leads Tulsa Remote’s efforts to connect members with local nonprofits, and volunteer and board leadership opportunities in Tulsa. “The people I am able to meet through my work is my favorite part of my job,” Tania says. “I’m passionate about making Tulsa awesome for now and for the future, which is why I’m committed to helping our members find ways to connect with the community and contribute to our city’s efforts to make positive change for the next generation.” 

As an active member of the Tulsa community, Tania is a part of Tulsa's Young Professionals  (TYPROS), which is a branch of the  Tulsa Regional Chamber, volunteers with the  Tulsa Global District  (TGD) economic vitality vision, and works on voter engagement initiatives with The League of Women Voters, Leadership Tulsa's LT Represent, 918 Vote & 918 Lead.

In her free time, Tania loves to discover new things by watching documentaries and reading nonfiction. She is also always down for an adventure. 

If you are interested in joining any of the organizations Tania is a part of or learning more about which service opportunities you can take part in, Tania can be reached via Slack or email. 

Tulsa Remote Staff
Tulsa Remote Staff

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